OSBG Store

On this page, you can make donations to support my channel and/or buy T-Shirts and CDs. You can also see the lessons that I currently have available for purchase on Udemy.


I do not charge for the lessons on my You Tube Channel - or this site. However, it would be nice to get something for my time and hard work. Consider the cost for similar instruction from a guitar teacher - would cost a LOT more. So, if you can and/or feel like it, I would appreciate donations of $10 or so to help cover the costs of my various expenses - strings, lights, video editing software, and other things I use to make these lessons. If you cannot afford donate, please do not. Thanks!

NOTE: Apparently, some people are having trouble with the Pay Pal buttons. I have tried to fix this problem, but have failed at every turn. The new Google Sites (which I used to make this website) does not allow me to insert a Pay Pal Button.

SO, IF you would like a T-Shirt, go to Pay Pal, send me $12 plus a message telling me the size. Do the same for anything else - CDs - on this site. I will keep working on solving this problem. My Pay Pal address is:


NEW! OSBG T-Shirts

ALMOST SOLD OUT!!! Only SMALL and XL left - not many. I will order more in the Spring!

Show your love of traditional blues guitar and/or support my work with one of my custom made t-shirts! Shipping and packaging costs are included in $12 total! All shirts are sport grey and comfy, comfy soft cotton! They are really nice, if I do say so myself!

Sizes are Adult: S (4) SOLD OUT!

SOLD OUT!!!!!!!

*SOLD OUT! Sorry, I've got 4 adult smalls left and that's it! Thanks so much for all the purchases! I will have more printed in the Spring and do a better job of advertising their sale!

Be sure to indicate the size (s) you want with your order! If you want a size not listed here - let me know and I'll get some with my next order. Sizes above XL will cost a little more - $15!

*Initial supplies are limited, but I will have more printed if/when these things actually sell. I will let you know how long it should take to get your shirt (s) to you! Thanks!

** I can ship overseas (from the U.S), but you will need to pay any shipping cost over the $5 I have included in the basic price. E-mail me at djmoore71@gmail.com if you want to order from another country. Thanks!

My daughter designed the logo using my favorite electric guitar (Epiphone Joe Pass Emperor II) as the "model."


If you like my lessons, you will probably really enjoy the music I've recorded with my older brother and other talented musicians. Listen to the sample tracks from each CD to see what I mean!

"Strollin' & 11 More SMASH Instrumental Hits" by Dave Moore - Coming Summer 2021

This will be my first solo release - a CD filled with nothing but vintage-style electric blues guitar instrumentals! In addition to 7 original songs, the CD will include covers of instrumentals by Pee Wee Crayton, Ike Turner, Jimmy Spruill, Chuck Berry, and Otis Rush. I have finished recording all the guitar parts and piano/organ. Mixing is underway and we hope to have it out sometime in late Spring/Summer 2021.

Sample Tracks

"Congo Mambo"

"Liquor Jug"

"Move Along"

"Conspirement" - The Moore Brothers (2013)

In 2013, the group I was playing with recorded this CD at a studio in South Bend, Indiana. It includes 15 tracks - 8 of them originals! All are performed in traditional acoustic or electric styles. You can purchase a copy of this CD for $12 - shipping is included in the cost!

"Congo Mambo"

Congo Mambo.mp3

"Liquor Jug"

05 Track 5.mp3

"Cruel Lovin"

06 Track 6.mp3

"Trickeration" (2015)

This CD includes more traditional blues, R&B, and rockabilly performed by my older brother - Tom Moore - backed-up by some of the finest blues musicians in the country! I play guitar on many of the tracks. The guest stars appearing on this CD include the late Barrelhouse Chuck (Chicago blues pianist), Ricky Nye (Cincinnati's premier blues and boogie piano player), George Bedard & Steve Nardella (great guitar players from Ann Arbor, Michigan), and drummer Brian Fahey from the Paladins!

Due to copyright and licensing issues that still need to be ironed out, the CD was not released nationally. I have only about 30 of these available - which is a shame. However, I do have copies that I will sell here for $15 each - shipping included in price! This money will go directly to my brother who financed the entire project.

*Overseas orders will need to pay anything over the $3 I have included for shipping in the price. E-mail me at djmoore71@gmail.com if you want to order from another country!

Lessons on Udemy

A couple years ago, I started creating lessons to sell on Udemy. Right now, I have four different lesson series that you can buy and download. Yes, you have to pay for them, BUT, I have worked hard to give you as much quality instruction as humanly possible for your hard-earned buck. Each lesson series includes enough material to keep you busy for a long, long time. Thanks to all who have purchased my lessons so far! Please note that Udemy sets the prices for these lessons and they can vary from one day to the next. Click on the links to check current pricing!

Traditional Style Electric Blues Guitar for Beginners - Part 1

This, my first-ever lesson series on Udemy, takes you through the basics of playing old-school blues guitar. For your money, you get 36 lessons and more than 3 hours of instruction. TAB is included for EACH lesson!

Watch this short promo and click on the link above to learn more about/buy this lesson series!

Traditional Style Electric Blues - Part II LEad Guitar

This is my follow-up lesson series taking you through the basics of playing lead guitar in the old-school way! This lesson series includes 77 lessons with more than 3 hours of instruction + TABS and handouts! This lesson series is also geared toward beginners!

Watch THIS promo video for more information and/or click on the link above!

Freddy King - The classic Instrumentals - Volume I

In this labor of love, I teach 11 of Freddy King's guitar instrumentals note-for-note and all the way through! TAB is included for EACH song! There are 106 total lessons with more than 7 hours of instruction!

Watch this promo and/or click on the link above to learn more about this lessons series!

The Guitar of Chuck Berry

This epic lesson series takes you through all of Chuck Berry's signature licks + song intros, solo licks, end tags, turnarounds, chords, and more. Chuck Berry is the one who inspired me to start playing guitar - back in "the day" - and it was his records that led me to Muddy Waters, Jimmy Reed, and the blues.

Watch this short promo and click on the link above to learn more about /buy this lesson series.

Traditional Acoustic Blues Guitar for Beginners - NEW!

This lesson series includes 9.5 hours of instruction in the basics of country blues guitar. I teach all the chords and picking techniques needed before launching into 25 different song lessons - 5 in each of the main keys.

21 songs are in standard tuning with 4 in dropped D tuning.

The Guitars of Jimmy Reed - Part 1/Key of E


This lesson series offers a complete look at the rhythms, chords, fills, song intros, and occasional solos heard on Jimmy Reed's songs in the Key of E. Until now, nobody I know has ever taken the time to dissect the subtle intricacies of the guitar playing heard on Jimmy Reed records. There are so many little things that made his sound work. How many different ways can one play a shuffle rhythm in E? Well, I'll show you!

Chuck Berry inspired me to play guitar, but it was Jimmy Reed's records that made me want to play Old School Blues Guitar!

This has to be the all-time greatest low-budget promo photo - the beanbag stool held together by duct tape!

50 Cool LickS & Ideas for Traditional Electric Blues Guitar - Part i NEW! (released 4/1 2020)

In this lesson series, I teach a variety of chord licks, rhythm parts, single string licks, fills, and double stop licks learned during my +30 years of studying the classic electric blues guitarists of the 50s and 60s.

Licks are taken from songs by Earl Hooker, Freddy King, BB King, Magic Sam, Robert Jr. Lockwood, Buddy Guy, Hubert Sumlin, and many more!

This is meant to supplement my first two Udemy Lesson Series on Traditional Blues Guitar - to give you a plethora of new and creative ways to play blues guitar the old school way!

The BB King Guitar Style - Part 1/The Early Years

NEW! (REleased 6/8/2020!)

In this 3-part series, I'll take you through five different BB King tunes from three different periods of his career. I'll show you many of his signature licks and ideas and how his style changed over the years.

In Part 1, we'll focus on his earliest recording from his 1947-1953 recordings. I'll teach you 75 different BB King licks + a variety of general concepts to help you understand and figure out his licks and solos on your own.

Guitar Pro 7 TABS are included for every lesson!

Blues Guitar In The E-Position - Coming spring 2021

This new series will teach how to play electric blues guitar in the E-Position. I will show you scales, playing positions, chords, and basic lead and rhythm licks along with +5 specific licks and ideas from the playing of:

  • Lightning Slim

  • John Lee Hooker

  • Jimmy Reed

  • Jimmy Rodgers

  • Guitar Slim

  • Gatemouth Brown

  • Johnny "Guitar" Watson

  • Freddy King

  • Earl Hooker

  • and MORE!

TABS included for ALL licks and ideas! All lessons are taken from original recordings!

Freddy King - The Instrumentals Volume 2

COMING! Spring/Summer 2021

This will be the second batch of lessons teaching 11 more of Freddy King's iconic guitar instrumentals. This collection will include tutorials and complete TABs for:

  • "Hi-Rise"

  • "The Stumble"

  • "Side-Tracked"

  • "Overdrive"

  • "Swooshy"

  • "Nickel Plated"

  • "Cloud Sailin"

  • "King-A-Ling"

  • "Texas Oil"

  • "Manhole"

  • & "Fish Fare