Old School Blues Guitar

December 2020

October-December lessons are almost all posted. I am working on the acoustic lessons this week! Thanks for the kind words and donations - much appreciated. Also, thanks for all the t-shirt orders!

I now have 8 different lessons for sale on Udemy - including a new one covering B.B. Kings' early guitar style. I have started working on a lesson series for playing in the E-Position - which will include licks from John Lee Hooker, Lightning Slim, Guitar Slim, and many more!

I am also finished recording the guitars and piano parts for my first solo CD - which will include 12 electric blues and R&B guitar instrumentals (7 originals + 5 covers). My son, the audio engineer, is hoping to be ready to mix it all by Christmas! We then hope to have it done in time to release in the late Spring or early summer. we are taking our time to get it right. I think you all will like it. I also plan on making video lessons for each of my original tunes - to show how I pull all my influences together in an original way. I think. More on this later!

And, I recently bought a program called Transcribe (see lower right) which allows me to slow down any MP3 track - to better hear what the guitar (s) are playing! I will start using this full-time for my next series of free lessons - October to December 2020. It's a great program - cost me $39 U.S. to buy online! Well worth it!

I just bought a new program called Neck Diagrams that I hope to use to place diagrams on the lesson screens. I'll need some time to figure out how it works, but plan to start including diagrams with April-June 2020 Lessons!

I am getting better and better at making TABS using Guitar Pro 7. I am working on placing the TABS on the lesson screens ASAP. This is a great program!

About OSBG

Welcome to the new website for Old School Blues Guitar (OSBG) - my You Tube Channel offering FREE lessons for both traditional acoustic and electric blues guitar. By "Old School," I mean blues music from BEFORE 1970. Every three months I create and post a set of new lessons - one in each of my eight different categories. You can click here to see Upcoming Lessons in advance.

You can now access ALL of my You Tube lessons from the Video Lessons Archive page of this site! You can use the site menu to find the page for each specific lesson category!

You can now submit requests for future lessons in any category by going to the Request for Lessons page. There is also a TABs Archive with links to all of the TABS available for my video lessons.

I have also created an Artist Profile section to help you learn about some of the most famous and influential "old school" guitar players - both electric and acoustic. There are short biographies/descriptions for each artist plus audio and even some video samples of their playing. I also have a section for my favorite modern blues guitarists.

Finally, I have three pages listing my favorite traditional electric and acoustic blues records, CDs, and digital recordings. You can find these in the Recommended Listening section of the site.

I recently "launched" another You Tube Channel devoted to the guitar heard on R&B records from the 1940s to the 1960s. If you like traditional electric blues, you will most likely enjoy these lessons too! Let me know what you think! Check out the sample lesson above!


My lessons are free, but I do accept small, one-time donations of $10 or so to help cover the cost of my time spent making these videos. You can now donate here by using the link on the OSBG STORE page!

IF you use my videos a lot and/or just like what I'm doing then feel free to donate. Think of it like giving just a little for a whole lot of instruction - that you would pay a ton for from a local/professional instructor. If you think about it, it's a great deal! If you cannot afford to donate, please DO NOT!

Donations help pay for my various expenses including strings, lights, backdrops, my camera, and CDs to learn new songs. You can also support OSBG by purchasing a custom T-Shirt (Now Available!), a Moore Brothers CD, and/or one of my lesson series on Udemy! These are all available for purchase on the OSBG Store page!

My sincere thanks to all who have donated and/or supported my channel by subscribing or leaving positive and constructive comments! I really do appreciate it! As I long as I have your support I will keep this going strong!

Who Am I?

My name is Dave Moore, I am a high school World History/Psychology teacher living in Northern Indiana (USA). I started playing guitar when I was 17-years old.

In my younger days, I performed with my brother's band in South Bend, Indiana where I had the opportunity to play with/behind a number of notable blues artists including Pinetop Perkins, Big Time Sarah, Ab Locke, Barrelhouse Chuck, Yank Rachel, and Peter Dames (Chicago piano player). I have also performed from time to time with my brother - playing acoustic blues as a duet - and various other gigs filling in on guitar for one reason or another.

I started my You Tube Channel about 10 years ago to practice giving guitar lessons and get some feedback on my own playing. After a strong response to the first couple of lessons that I posted, I decided to make a whole channel devoted to sharing my knowledge of traditional blues guitar - to help others and to learn more myself. Most of what I know I've learned from listening to records and a lot of trial and error. I've also learned a lot from other guitar players who I've met over the years and a variety of instructional videos.

This site is geared toward beginners and intermediate-level players, but I hope there's something here for everyone who loves the older, more traditional styles of blues guitar.

My goal is to help others learn to play this type of guitar by trying to figure out a wide variety of licks, chords, solos, and more from the original recordings. I do NOT claim to know everything. We are figuring this stuff out together! That's my approach!

ABOVE: This is me performing some traditional country blues with my brother Tom at a South Bend club called Vegetable Buddies a couple years ago.

A few years ago I got to sit in with Ricky Nye and the Paris Blues Band in Mishawaka, IN. I do not perform live much, but I enjoy it when I do. These guys were amazing and so much fun to play with. Ricky and his bass player (Chris Douglas) are based out of Cincinnati, Ohio The other two guys (Simon and Anthony) are really from Paris, France!

Contact Me

I am always open to new ideas and suggestions to make my lessons/channel better! Feel free to e-mail me at djmoore71@gmail.com with input. You can request lessons, but I reserve the right to choose the content for my channel/website - see Request Page for guidelines/conditions.

Here I am recording at the Fame Studios in Muscle Shoals, AL - July 2016. It was a once in a lifetime experience. It was around 100 degrees the day we were there - explaining the shirt and shorts. I hope to release some of the recordings we made there in the near future.