Requests for Lessons

Request Guidelines

I do accept requests for blues guitar lessons, but please consider the following conditions:

  • I will try to do requested lessons on a first-come-first serve basis WHEN I can. If I get a request for a song that will take me some time and effort to figure out - it may take longer. Please be patient! If I don't think I can do it, I will tell you right away. Or, if I know of someone who teaches it better than I do, I will let you know.
  • My taste and area of "expertise" both lie in the music created between 1930 and 1970. I will generally NOT do lessons for anything that does not fit my definition of "Old School." There are plenty of other guys out there teaching blues songs by The Grateful Dead, Allman Brothers, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and more contemporary artists. Same goes for Eric Clapton, Mike Bloomfield, and the likes thereof. My collection of vinyl and other recordings stops abruptly in 1970. To me, the music was not the same after that general time period.
  • ONLY requests submitted on the Request Section below will be considered! From this point on, I will NOT consider requests typed in the comments sections of my You Tube videos.

  • Do NOT send me a donation for doing a lesson on a requested song! I may not be able to or event want to do it! If you choose to donate, then do it AFTER I've actually done the lesson.
  • I may or may NOT be able and/or willing to write out a TAB for a requested song. Writing TABS takes time. I am still a full-time high school teacher. Even if you offer to pay me for it, I may not be able to do it.
  • It's my channel, and I can choose to do a requested lesson or not. Trust me, I'll do my best to honor each and every request that you send, but there's a limit to what I can do given my current situation.

Thanks to all of you who have requested lessons so far! If I have yet to do your lesson, please be patient. I am doing the best I can. I am, after all, a staff of just one person!

Make Lesson Requests HERE!

Request Section Responses