Hollywood Fats

Hollywood Fats (1954-1986) - aka Michael Mann, remains one of the greatest West Coast blues and swing guitarists of the modern era. He died of a heroin overdose in 1986 when he was only 32. In the summer of 1982, my brother took me to see The James Harman Band play live at a club called The White House - in Laguna Beach (if I remember correctly). I was only 17, but I got in by helping to carry the band's equipment into the club. Then, my friend and I got front row seats for an incredible night of music - from which I left wanting to play blues more than ever! To make it even better, Kid Ramos was playing with the band too!!!!

My brother was actually friends with the guy and sent me a number of his performances that he captured on a simple tape recorder - which I then studied religiously for many years afterward (still have them!).

Many consider Fats to have been one of the all-time greats. Stay off the heroin people!

performance videos
