Magic Sam

Magic Sam (1937-1969) - was part of the "West Side" blues movement in Chicago during the 1950s that influenced electric blues and rock during the 1960s. Along with Otis Rush, Buddy Guy, and Freddy King, Magic Sam created a guitar style featuring the use of searing single-string runs and soulful bends played on his Fender Stratocaster. From the few videos of Magic Sam you can see that he played with his bare fingers.

My Favorite Magic Sam Tunes

(1) You Belong to Me

(2) I Have The Same Old Blues

(3) I Found A New Love

(4) Look Watcha Done

(5) Easy Baby

(6) Lookin' Good (inst)

(7) Sweet Home Chicago

(8) I Don't Want No Woman

(9) Tremble (inst)

(10) Magic Rocker (inst.)