Lessons on DVD

Over the years, I have had a few requests to put one or more of my lessons on DVDs. Some people like to be able to use the lessons offline. If you would like me to do this, then you can send an e-mail to djmoore71@gmail.com. Cost is $10 per DVD - I'll fit as many lessons as I can on one/each DVD and make a menu for you on each disc. IF I should be overwhelmed by requests to do this, it might take a little time. I will let you know when to expect delivery.

Tell me which specific lessons you would like - title/part # - and I will bill you when I'm finished making the DVD. To do this, I will require a minimum $10 payment UP FRONT. I have had a couple people request DVDs and then never give me an address to send them to. When I'm finished with all of them, I will let you know how much you owe me before I mail them to you.

*Shipping costs will depend where you live and how many discs you want. I will add this to the $10 cost for one disc. You pay actual shipping cost - the $10 includes packaging.

You can send any/all payment via Pay Pal by clicking on the button to the right. Thanks!

**NOTE - many of my earlier lessons are of inferior quality (video/audio/guitar tone). I will be re-doing all of these over the next few years. So, be sure to watch the videos on You Tube BEFORE asking for them on a DVD - so you know what you are getting. Thanks!