Anson Funderburgh

Anson Funderburgh - is a Texas blues guitarist who I first heard with his group the Rockets - that included lead singer Daryl Nulisch. He was perhaps the biggest influence on my playing in my younger days - being a huge fan of the early Little Milton, BB King, Magic Sam, and Otis Rush licks that he played in his own way on his Stratocaster. I also love the stuff he did with singer Sam Myers! I saw him live in the late 1980s at a club in South Bend, Indiana. Amazing!

*could not find Official Website - link does not work?

performance videos

If you watch this video, the guy playing bass is Eric Przygocki - from South Bend, Indiana - my hometown!

In fact, he played bass in the first band I played with - along with my brother Tom and drummer Ed Kobek. Nice guy and great bass player!