Sometimes we do a pinky promise to seal an agreement with someone else.

When adults make a promise, they often write a contract and sign it as a record.

What kind of symbol did God use to make a promise to the human race?

The Rainbow Promise

Genesis 9:12~17

I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.

Have you seen a rainbow?

Who put it so high in the sky? The Bible tells us that God once used the flood to destroy the evil people on earth and only spared Noah, who was a righteous person. Noah thanked God by offering a sacrifice, and God decided that he would make an everlasting promise with Noah and all the remaining living creatures to never let the floods come again. Our loving God specially created the rainbow in the clouds as a sign of his promise, like a signature to a contract. This sign could remind Him and also comfort the hearts of the humans left after the flood. However, humans should stop doing evil things like the evil humans did before!

What colors would you use to color a beautiful rainbow in the clouds?

1. Have you ever made a promise with someone? Who was it? What was the promise?

2. How would you feel if someone did not do what they promised you?

3. What do you think God is like? Would He keep a promise He made? Why?

1. Everlasting covenant

2. Sign

Thank God!

Although no one on earth could put a rainbow in the sky, God did it! The next time we see a beautiful rainbow, we can thank and praise God as Noah did! God put the rainbow in the sky as a sign to let us know He loves and protects everything He created, so He will never send a flood to destroy the earth again. However, that doesn’t mean we should do whatever we want! Instead, we should be more thankful and obedient to God.

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for your love and everlasting promise not to allow the flood to destroy the earth again. I also want to make a promise to you to learn from Noah as a role model and be obedient to you, starting with reading the Bible and praying. In Jesus’s name I pray, Amen!