There is a Chinese saying that says you may know someone and their appearance,
but you will not know their heart.
Satan uses people to kill and destroy,
but God uses those schemes to fulfill His plans!

Plotting against Jesus

Matthew 26:1~5/14~16

Matthew 26:2
“As you know, the Passover is two days away—and the Son of Man will be handed over to be crucified.”

Jesus is God and he knew God's plan and what was to come. He told his disciples in advance that he would be nailed to the cross and that when it happened, it did not mean the plot of the bad guys succeeded. Instead, it meant that God’s plan was being fulfilled. At this time, the chief priest brought many people together to discuss the plot to kill Jesus. Even Judas, who spent every day with Jesus, decided to betray him for 30 pieces of silver.

Which people worked together to plot against Jesus?

□ 1.The blind man who was healed
□ 2.Children
□ 3.Chief priests
□ 4.Elders
□ 5.High Priest
□ 6.Shepherds
□ 7.Judas the disciple

  1. The chief priests, elders, and the high priest were supposed to fear God and led people to worship God. Instead, they wanted to kill Jesus, the son of God! Did they actually love God?

  2. Judas, a disciple who lived and learned with Jesus every day, betrayed Jesus. Can you understand how Jesus felt? Was Judas an honest and good disciple?

  1. Passover

  2. Chief Priest

  3. High Priest

Jesus knew he was about to fall into the plot of bad people and be crucified! However, he also knew this was God's plan to save the world, which required a terrible price. We should thank Jesus for taking our place and suffering the cross. We should also keept our hearts so that we are not like the selfish priests and Judas who did not truly love God and Jesus.

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for sending Jesus to earth to save us from our sins. Thank you Jesus, for obeying God's plan to be nailed to the cross. I am willing to love God and Jesus, and work hard to learn the word of the Bible so that I can be an honest and loving person. In Jesus’Name I pray, Amen!