If your friends asks you to do things like:

to steal someone else ’s things, or play a prank and pull a chair out from someone, causing him to fall and get hurt, or cheat on an exam together ── would you remember what your parents once taught you?

Who should you listen to?

Who should you listen to?

Proverbs 1:8~19

Proverbs 1:10

My son, if sinful men entice you, do not give in to them.

Proverbs tells us that the most important thing is to fear the Lord. After that, you need to listen to your parents’ teachings, because you dad, mom, and God are the ones who love you and want to protect you most. Being obedient to them will enable you to live a peaceful, happy, and honorable life. On the other hand, if you listen to evil people, you will continue to be cheated, and it not only hurts others, but you as well.

Which of the followings did your parents teach you?

- Tell the truth

- Sleep and rise early

- Limit use of cell phone and computer

- Shower every day

- Read the Bible

- Not to steal

- Pray to God

1.Do you have friends that want you to join them in doing bad things like stealing, bullying, or things your parents don’t like?

2.Who on the earth cares the most about you, loves you, and wants to help you?


2. Rules

3. Royal crown

4. Greed

We need to cherish and value the teachings and rules that our parents have given us. Although sometimes it feels like they are nagging, we know that we will benefit if we are obedient and do not let our parents worry about us! Choosing our parents’ teachings and being a wise child results in a happy family!

Dear Heavenly Father, help me to be obedient to you and also my earthly father and mother so I can be a wise child. Please prepare good and kind friends for me and give me the courage to refuse bad friends who want to do bad things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!