God had a very important secret plan that
many people did not understand. Let’s
uncover this secret from the Book of
Matthew. Once you understand it, it will
change your life!

Who is Jesus?

Matthew 1:1~25

Matthew 1:21
She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.

God created all things and humans, but humans continue to sin and commit evil. These sins would lead humans to eternal death. God loves the world, so he had a plan to save the world from perishing. Apparently God prepared his only begotten Son, Jesus, to bear the suffering and terrible death for the world. Jesus was born to his mother Mary before she was even married. The Holy Spirit put Jesus's life in his mother's body, making her pregnant. Jesus's father was Joseph, who listened to the angel of the Lord’s explanation of why Mary was pregnant, obeyed God, married Mary, and birthed Jesus. His family tree had 42 generations with the earliest being Abraham, and King David, who was wonderful at writing psalms, is also in the family tree.

From his bloodline, Jesus's mother was ________,
his father was God, who allowed Mary to get pregnant through the Holy Spirit.

From his care and development,
Jesus's mother was ________,
and his father was ________.

  1. Does your family have a family tree or genealogy? Why don't you get together to trace one? Let's discuss the people in your genealogy!

  2. Jesus came to earth to save his people from sin and evil. Do you sin? Do you know the consequence of sin? Do you need Jesus's salvation?

  1. Generations

  2. Genealogy

Our loving Father, Mary, and Joseph worked together on the plan to save all humankind, which was to birth Jesus Christ! Jesus took our place to bear the consequence of sin so that we could be saved! From now on, we can have a good relationship with God and live with peace and joy in our hearts.

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for sending Jesus to earth to save me. From now on, I will earnestly work on admitting my sins and changing my ways, as well as read the Bible more so I can get to know Jesus better. In Jesus’Name I pray, Amen!