Today, the world is being attacked by viruses, filled with panicking fear of death! The good news is, there is a wonderful place where there is no sadness, tears, pain and death! You can go too!

New Heaven and New Earth

Revelation 21:1-5

Revelation 21:5
He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

After the judgment of the great white throne, the world we live now will vanish, and a new heaven and earth will appear. The glorious New City of Jerusalem will descend from heaven, and those who love the Lord Jesus as well as the churches are ready to welcome the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. God will live with His people and be their God. He will also wipe away their tears, there is no more death and sorrow, crying and pain! Because the past is gone, everything has now become a new beginning!

What will disappear in the new heaven and new earth?

□ 1.The ocean
□ 2.The existing heaven and earth
□ 3.Tears
□ 4.New Jerusalem
□ 5.Sadness
□ 6.crying
□ 7.Pain
□ 8.Things from the past
□ 9.God and man living together
□ 10.Death

  1. Do you hope to live in the new heaven and new earth? What kind of people live there?

  2. There are only two choices: the lake of fire and new heaven and new earth. Which one will you pick?


God's plan is so amazing and wonderful, we should believe what the Bible says. He says that eventually, all the evil and vile things will be destroyed, and he will create a beautiful new heaven and new earth to allow those who are loyal to God to be with Him forever. It will be a place without crying and death, full of peace and joy. It's a new world where God reigns and protects. We must believe this plan and focus on following Jesus so that we can be with him in the new heaven and new earth someday.

Dear Jesus, I'm looking forward to entering the new heaven and new earth someday, to live with you without fear of death, tears, or suffering. Thank you for your detailed plan! Please help me and keep me close to you as I follow you! In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen!