Everyone knows how to blame other people or shirk responsibility.
Do you know where we learned that from?

It’s his fault

Genesis 3:1~13

Genesis 3:9
But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”

God created Adam and Eve to tend the garden and earth together in one accord as a united and loving family. However, there was a serpent in the garden, and it was Satan. In order to ruin God’s wonderful plan, he not only revolted against God himself, he was also busy luring humans to rebel against God. Satan’s favorite way of doing this is to lie .

Let's debunk Satan's tricks together!

In the presence of God, Adam shifted the blame of eating the forbidden fruit to Eve whom God made; Eve shirked her responsibility to the serpent. Although Satan could trick people cunningly, he couldn’t make decisions for them. It’s humans who finally decided to disobey God. First, Eve decided to pluck and eat the fruit from the tree. Then she gave it to Adam, who chose to receive and eat as well. When Satan was snickering at the side, God was sadly heartbroken because He loved Adam and Eve. Because they chose to believe in Satan’s lies and disobey God’s protective rules and warnings, God’s original wonderful plan and relationship were disrupted, they had to face the serious consequences of their actions!

  1. Cunning

  2. Temptation

Be careful! Don’t listen and believe in Satan’s words, don’t even love telling lies like he does. They displease God!

Dear Heavenly Father, Please remind me when I have done something wrong. I am willing to confess my wrong doings courageously, and ask God for forgiveness. Thank you for your love! In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!