






総合政策学ってなに?」「総合政策学科の特徴 政策提言」について動画で知ることができます。




Toyo University

Economics Department

English Language Listening Podcast


(Director:  Joseph E Ring Jr.        Producer:   Kentaro Shibusawa  

 Cast: Watanabe Asuko         Manabe Tsuyoshi)

Explanation: Every lesson will be broadcast in English. It is intended for the High school and University level student. It also intended to be a study of listening and vocabulary. Furthermore, it will include topics of how to study at a university. It will also include lessons about comparative culture and education in the “global” age for High school and University students.  Repetition and review are important. The situations and scenarios will mostly be within the context of the University. But, some of the stories and dialogs will be about the students’ personal lives, relationships, and challenges. 

           Lesson 1

Scenario: Several high school students have come to the University open campus to ask some questions about the University and the Economics Department. They are talking to two University Professors. One is a Japanese Professor and the other is from overseas.  This dialog includes advice on how to study at the university level, entrance exams, and a comparison of universities abroad. It also includes information about the Economics overseas exchange programs and University level seminar study.

1. Open Campus

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