Haiku 3, January 2011

Vanguard Haiku

First Place

discharged soldier

he stares at his gun’s barrel

to nothingness

Victor P. Gendrano

Second Place

what book

in which killing triumphs

do the gods read

Sandy Vrooman

Third Place

battle scarred dog

can't lick its

bleeding ear

Snehith Kumbla

Honourable Mentions

(In no particular order)

Love entered my heart

I must have left it open

I am glad I did

Deborah Green

an orphan child

and a wounded lamb

both licking an empty bowl

G R Parimala Rao

slurping soba

wondering just how long

a life should be

Marie Shimane

Zatsuei, or Haiku of Merit


our laughter laughs

at us

Nana Fredua-Agyeman

There you are walking

Strutting like a proud peacock

Without the feathers

Deborah Green

Old warrior's end

his medals carried

by a boy scout

John Hamley

stormy weather

I weep and laugh a little

every day

Peggy Heinrich

a blast of sunlight

explodes on the ocean floor

a new life form stirs

Peggy Heinrich

Four deer are hanging

in warming fog, hearts opened

still gentle in death.

Anne Hills

oncology suite

the tv lady demonstrates

the whitening of teeth

Elizabeth Howard

cremation :

is it the end?

ashes in urn

vishnu p kapoor

Veterans hospital

who would think that these old men

were once young warriors

Howard Lee Kilby

as the night moves on

to the sentenced hours, pale

moon rides the daybreak

Hi-Young Kim

an empty chair

at the Nobel ceremony ...

thoughts of Tank Man

Chen-ou Liu

(note: The Tank Man is the nickname given by the international media of an young man who stood in front of a column of Chinese tanks on the morning of June 5, 1989.)

river bending barely

into the gold unknown

I have come from

Clare McCotter

his twin

lost in battle, the pain

of a phantom limb

André Surridge

de Chirico

the empty highway

beyond nowhere

Raffael de Gruttola

(In no particular order)

Mickey Mouse gas mask . . .

choking back laughter

our strange voices

Pat Prime

amidst the rubble

a little orphan

chews a blade of grass

G R Parimala Rao

an infant’s hand

outstretched in the rubble

waiting for mother's arm

G R Parimala Rao


a myriad fleeting nipples

on garden pond

Margaret Rawlinson

they stole


the sunless morning

Bruce Ross

a fork on the path —

we go our

own ways

Nirali Shah

Carrying the tomb

of unburied days:

New year


school photo

so many bright futures

lost to war

André Surridge

silence of death

only the vultures feast

price of war

Sandy Vrooman

man as machine

totally disposable entity

to the greedy

Sandy Vrooman

old man retches

grimy kettle whistles

grey dawn chorus

Julia Wakefield

in the busy street

two women running

opposite ways

Julia Wakefield


in earthen jar or universe-

scale of consciousness

Aju Mukhopadhyay

harvest moon -

even my shadow

has a shadow

ayaz dary nielsen

breaking the rose’s heart a slug’s winged dream

Clare McCotter

confusion at the end a terrible tangle of strings

John Stevenson



Cold, starry night -

the grayish orange

of the eclipsed moon.

Sky fills with clouds -

the orange moon's


Eclipse of the moon -

I run in and out

of my house warmth.

We crane our heads

to the cloud-hidden moon -

its winter eclipse.

My husband gives up -

cloud after thick cloud

over the moon-orange.

I run inside

with haiku plucked from the sky -

a lunar eclipse.

I call them "spiteful",

the clouds that have hidden

the red, eclipsed moon.


it peeks out through the clouds,

the now-uneclipsed moon.

Winter solstice -

the night clouds turn

blue, gray and pink.

Zhanna P. Rader

a lane to bedlam

(a sequence of scifaiku)

by John W. Sexton

dewdrop balanced

on the beetle's back - Lao Tzu

sees a grail of stars

parliament dissolved

the snail king bequeaths

a spiral attic

elec trick requiem

moth's glitter falls

through the room

light of a star

that's already gone out

the past our present

x-rayed his inner ghost

Mars enters the constellation

of Cancer

temporary souvenir -

the cloud takes a mould

of Pegasus

an incomprehensible dust:

mite-suns suckling

in nebulae

still smouldering since

the honeymoon -

she shows off her anthracite ring

torsellated braid-work

of stars -

my mind is nothing

God's 'flu-fall...

antibodies for imperfection

are imperfection

a lane to bedlam -

on the frozen puddles

she steps from star to star

aged five through scrunched eyes...

climbing up the strings

from the stars

woodlouse sellotaped

to a lit bottlerocket

thus we conquer space

snow interpenetrates

our moonlit shadows -

the earth still holds us yet

the space

space is moving into -

a blackbird brightens the hedge

the pond silver...

Shiki wills moonlight

into his corrupted lung

POETS IN THIS ISSUE (In alphabetical order)

Melissa Allen


Alexander Ask

Don Baird

Alan S. Bridges

Belinda Broughton

Rosa Clement

Raffael de Gruttola

Kai Falkman

Nana Fredua-Agyeman

Claire Gardien

Victor P. Gendrano

Deborah Green

John Hamley

William Hart

Peggy Heinrich

Anne Hills

Elizabeth Howard

Hans Jongman

vishnu p kapoor

Howard Lee Kilby

Hi-Young Kim

Snehith Kumbla

Joseph M. Kusmiss

Priscilla Lignori

Chen-ou Liu

CaroleAnn Lovin

Sean MacMathuna

Steve Mangan

Thomas Martin

Clare McCotter

Aju Mukhopadhyay

Gautam Nadkarni

ayaz dary nielsen

P K Padhy

Andy Pomphrey

Pat Prime

Zhanna P. Rader

Geethanjali Rajan

G R Parimala Rao

Margaret Rawlinson

Bruce Ross

Riitta Rossilahti

John W. Sexton

Nirali Shah

Marie Shimane


John Stevenson

Elizabeth Strand

André Surridge

Sandy Vrooman

Julia Wakefield