Haiku 1 : Neo Classical

August 2012

Neo-Classical Haiku

First Place

drowning the cicada's song ...

the swift currents of

the Kiyotaki River

Lawrence 慈光 Barrow

Second Place

midsummer -

dropping a bucket

into a deep well

Lawrence 慈光 Barrow

Third Place

July fourth

the patio littered with

watermelon seeds

Mary Alves Sella

Seven Honourable Mentions

(in no particular order)


we’re cast into darkness

by a lightning flash

DW Bender

too hot to care -

in my tea on an ice cube

a fly on a fly

Carol Raisfeld

a summer leaf

taps me on the shoulder

what did I forget?

William Hart

summer rain

leaves everything shining

except my dead lawn

Marilyn Linn

summer doldrums

a trash truck parks its smell

and moves on

William Hart

At dawn the silence

broken by the light footsteps --

a summer jogger

Priscilla Lignori

in a rose garden

remembering the beginning --

faded promises

Marie Shimane


(Haiku of Merit , in no particular order in terms of merit but in the alphabetical order of authors’ surname)