Shintai Haiku, page 1

WHR Autumn 2020

Shintai Haiku

Page 1

First Place

silent night

raindrops trick the roof

into conversation

Vandana Parashar

Second Place

to those here and gone

death belatedly bequeaths

true forgiveness

Marie Shimane

Third Place

deafening silence

the snow too falls

without a sound

Eufemia Griffo

Seven Honourable Mention

(In no particular order)

finally seeing

clearly the journey of my past

walking uphill, backwards

Michael Dudley

marriage picture

taken off the wall

the brighter spot behind

Mona Iordan

sleeping cat

forever making up

for lost time

Brijesh Raj

scattered leaves

the effort of creating a coherent story

of my mother’s cancer

Maya Daneva

domestic history-

depth of the marks

on the cutting board

Michael J. Galko

fat bellied clouds

distant hills

become volcanoes

John Hawkhead

coming back to life

slowly like her broken heart—

the widow's garden

Priscilla H. Lignori


Haiku of merit

scented breeze

the street juggler

misses a ball

Debbi Antebi


deep in the mango blossom

deeper in its scent

sanjukta asopa

the mayhem

of the white champa tree

your smile

Urmila Bendre

every darkness :

a lurking mystery

until the season of light

Smeetha Bhoumik


on a sunny spider web

silent melody

brezza / sulla ragnatela al sole / note silenziose

Lucia Cardillo

first date

the labyrinth’s code


Maya Daneva

morning moon

her name drifts

with my dream

David Käwika Eyre

kelp forest

between swaying stalks

sea otters zoom

William Scott Galasso

kissing gate unsure which way to turn

Tim Gardiner

breaking wave

does anyone die

without regret

Tim Gardiner