Haiku page 1, Dec 2012

December 2012

Neo Classical Haiku

First Place

into the leaf pile

all the beauty of the year

enkindles the next

Marie Shimane

Second Place

icy breaths --

half my life spent

reliving the past

S.M. Abeles

Third Place

dawn opens red

filling the winter sky

with snow geese

Marian Olson

Seven Honourable Mentions

(in no particular order)

where the old oak stood

before the tornado

an ice-covered stump

Mary Alves Sella

a blizzard

white crows

in the trees

Vladislav Hristov

early winter rain --

playing solitaire with

the cat on my lap

Priscilla H. Lignori

feathering snow

she remembers

her first kiss

Diana Teneva

snowflakes -

on every leaf

the weight of winter

Jay Friedenberg

wind-chime discs

twist together and unravel

cold winter night

Bruce Ross


too old to gather now

gifts of new sake

Marie Shimane

Zatsuei, Haiku of Merit

(in alphabetical order)