Message from Senator Johanns

Post date: Nov 06, 2013 3:24:46 AM

Senator Johanns e-Update

November 5, 2013

Today, I discussed the failed implementation of Obamacare and the embarrassing rollout, which still doesn’t work more than one month after its launch. I shared the stories of several Nebraskans who have relayed their frustrations about the law to my office.

I have signed onto legislation to repeal the entire law, as well as several bills to repeal the most damaging portions of this law, including legislation that would delay the individual mandate and a bill that repeals Obamacare entirely.

I know this law has already had a significant effect on Nebraskans, and I’d like to know more about your experience with President Obama’s health care law. A new page on my website will allow you to share your story with me. If you’ve lost your coverage, experienced premium hikes, had your work hours cut as a result of the law, or perhaps had a positive experience signing up for an affordable plan, please let me know.

The form can be found by clicking HERE, or by clicking on the Obamacare icon on my home page.

To watch my full remarks, click HERE.