2020-09-14 : An Appeal to IITK Community Members from Mess and Canteen Workers

Dear Friends,

Several of you have expressed concern about workers in response to our

reports, and in our last note, we had outlined some ways in which we can

translate this concern into concrete action collectively. In this regard,

the mess and canteen workers have been proactive at their end. In these

times of lockdown and physical distancing, the workers have invested a lot

of time and effort in building solidarity amongst themselves, collecting

over 500 signatures on a letter addressed to the community that

collectively articulates their concerns and suggestions for what needs to

be done. The letter (original Hindi as well as English translation) is

attached with this mail. The letter raises the following important points:

1) As some students are set to return to the campus, there will be the

need to provide them with messing facilities. In this context, it is

imperative that these workers are made part of the process through which

decisions are made about how these messes are to be run. These workers,

who have served the Institute for many years, have the necessary skill and

knowledge that is essential to take effective decisions with regard to

student messing.

2) Any arrangement made for messing should draw from this current pool of

workers, and distribute available work amongst as many of them as


3) It should be ensured that the legal rights of the workers (minimum

wage, EPF, ESI) are ensured in deciding the terms of work during this

transition period.

The above is possible only with community support and intervention with

the administration, which is needed urgently at this point.

Hamara Manch

Sept. 14, 2020


1. Mess letter to community Hindi Version.pdf

2. Mess worker letter English translation.pdf