
The global reaction to CoViD-19 also reflected in consequences for workers at IITK locally. This page collects together reports and information in this context:

    • Hamara Manch is producing a series of reports on workers' situation during the pandemic. The corresponding reports are presented here:

  • Citizens' Forum Reached out to IITK Administration int his context, the conversations are documented here.

  • There were also a fund collection initiative advertised by IITK officially: Campus Workers' Campaign.

    • Stated goal of this initiatitve: "This donation program will allow us to provide scheduled payments of Rs. 4,000 per month for the next three months. It will benefit about 373 workers, which include canteen workers, small vendors (& thelas), newspaper vendors, cycle shops, rickshaw pullers, Chowpatty & hall workers." according to mail from DORA(IITK) to Alumni, 11th Oct, 2020.