Hamara Manch

    • Hamara Manch is a forum primarily of workers, where various kinds of workers in the campus, like those with contractors in construction, sanitation, mess and other daily wage workers along with self employed workers – like rickshaw wallas, dhobis, thela wallas, vendors, come together to collectively address their issues at work. The Manch is also supported by various other sections of the campus community who share a concern for 'livelihood with dignity' for all.

    • Hamara Manch came up in 2008 in the context arising out of the following situation:

      • Several construction related deaths in 2007 within the campus led to an agitated volunteer base. At the same time, possibly wary of criticism of its handling of labour related issues, the institute appropriated the Minimum Wage Monitoring Committee which till then formed the collective through which the concerned citizen's acted.

      • Emboldened by the support of alumni and other community members arising in the context of said accidents, several workers, particularly those at Environmental Building Construction site decided to formally complaint against the non-payment of legal wages. This led to a prolonged confrontation with the institute (and eventual firing of the concerned workers).

      • However the workers, supported by concerned campus community members resorted to meeting regularly with an agenda to at least discuss their issues and conditions. These meetings took form of an open platform and shaped Hamara Manch.

    • The primary activity of Hamara Manch takes form of an open meeting every Wednesday. This meeting also becomes a rallying point for workers who may otherwise be uninvolved with the Manch, but wanting some fora where their grievances can be expressed.

    • The group since its inception has meticulously documented and energetically raised various issues related to labour. These include documenting accidents, deaths, arbitrary punishments, as well as pursuing provision of basic amenities, reinstatement against arbitrary dismissals and the like.

Hamara Manch continues to be a source of inspiration as well as a stream of reliable and thorough information with regards to labour related issues within IIT Kanpur campus for Citizen's Forum.

Since Hamara Manch has no website of their own, we attempt to document their updates in the sub-pages here. Note that this documentation is primarily created by volunteers of Citizen's Forum and is not necessarily endorsed by Hamara Manch.