2017-09-01 Institute Communique.

Subject: [All] Communique

From: "Deputy Director" <dydir@iitk.ac.in>

Date: Fri, September 1, 2017 6:34 pm

To: "all@lists.iitk.ac.in" <all@lists.iitk.ac.in>


In the IAC meeting today, the issues related to the new VH contract and

open house in L-19 were discussed.

*1. Change of VH Contract:*


Detailed discussions were held with all the stakeholders present about

the situation after change of VH Contractor including the possibility of

engagement of existing contractual employees. Members present were

briefed about the details of discussions which were held with the

incoming contractor for smooth running of the contract and the possible

nos. of existing employees to be employed by him. It was agreed that the

new contractor be allowed to start functioning from 1^st Sept. 2017 with

a significant number of existing employees and the remaining brought by him.

It was also agreed that suitable avenues will be explored to identify

work for engaging the remaining existing contractual employees in other

activities of the Institute including the hostel messes.

It was decided that a sub committee comprising of the following

representatives of IAC:

(i)Prof Y. N. Singh, DoIP

(ii)Professor Gouthama (MSE) Prof. Rahul Burman, IME Dept. (Editor's Note: The name was later changed in an immediate correction later)

(iii)Prof. Sandeep Verma, HoD Chemistry

(iv)Prof. Javed Malik, HoD Earth Science Dept.

shall inform the existing contractual employees about the decision of

the IAC and ensure equity to all employees of the VH whose services are

affected with the change of contractor.

*Item 2. Security Issues related to Open house at L-19:*

The overreach of the security personnel outside the L-19 open house was

discussed in detail. lt was decided that the security officials will be

briefed about their mandate including the manner in which they should

interact with campus community in future to ensure that such occurrences

do not happen. Appropriate sensitization programs will also be put in

place. The standard operating procedure for security personnel will be

reviewed and the community will be informed about it. The Chairman SAEC

has offered to resign owning moral responsibility.

The Institute records its deep appreciation to the IAC for their

constructive role in resolving the crisis.



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