2017-09-25 Citizens' Forum Response to Sarovar/Louvre Group.

Editor's Note: 


Date: 25 September 2017 at 22:05

Subject: [iitkcf-core] Re: An appeal to stop the mass layoff at Visitors' Hostel, IIT Kanpur.

To: Ajay Bakaya <ajay@sarovarhotels.com>, "MR. A. MADHOK" <anil@sarovarhotels.com>, ROULOT Pierre-Frédéric <pfroulot@louvre-hotels.com>, DORNIC Benjamin <bdornic@louvre-hotels.com>, "M. ADIL - EVP" <mansoor@sarovarhotels.com>, CK Cherian <cherian@sarovarhotels.com>, Daisy - PR - Sarovar Delhi <pr@sarovarhotels.com>, MAQUET Sébastien <smaquet@louvre-hotels.com>, CHAWLA Saurabh <schawla@louvre-hotels.com>

Cc: Director IIT KANPUR <director@iitk.ac.in>, rcbhargava@maruti.co.in, sverma@iitk.ac.in, ynsingh@iitk.ac.in, javed@iitk.ac.in, gouthama@iitk.ac.in, iitkcf-core <iitkcf-core@googlegroups.com>

504 5th Floor, Golf Course Road, Sector 43, Gurgaon-122009


22nd Sept, 2017


Mr. Ajay K. Bakaya

Managing Director

Sarovar Hotels Pvt. Ltd

Dear Mr. Bakaya,


Thank you for your note responding to our letter addressed to M. Pierre Fréderic Roulot, CEO of Groupe Louvre. It was kind of revealing that our letter to Mr. Anil Madhok, Executive Chairman, Sarovar Hotels & Resorts went unnoticed but our letter to the CEO of the holding enterprise prompted your note. Two years ago, we had another French corporation, Orange, having issues with the IITK workers under similar circumstances. After a certain struggle, leading to a meaningful discussion with executives at higher echelons, it eventually led to restoration of all workers’ original wages - even back wages were paid with interest. It was generally recognized that French civil societies would not have allowed such a treatment to happen in their own country, then why should Indian workers get a step-motherly treatment? We think that your customers and shareholders, in accordance with your CSR policy, will not appreciate this mistreatment of workers.


We appreciate your recognition of ‘fraternity feeling’. However, we want to remind you that this issue is not about our fraternity with alumni or alma mater; it is rather about lives of workers adversely affected by Sarovar’s labour practices. It is about a universal fraternity – one with fellow human beings and their human rights and dignity.


We recognize that Sarovar was awarded the contract by IITK and the latter was negligent in being specific about hiring existing staff. We believe that as per labour laws of India (and we are sure that Sarovar is well aware of this) that any work of perennial nature should not be contracted out. In addition, IITK as a principal employer has an obligation not to disrupt the lives of its workers doing perennial and essential work as far as possible. Uprooting their lives by a layoff is a serious disruption. Sarovar should not be a causing such a disruption. They should be facilitating a better transition from the previous contractor.


We are afraid that you have been grossly misinformed as to how many workers from previous contract have been offered employment by Sarovar. It is not over 50% but rather less than 40%. This kind of misinformation by your representatives and sometime repeated by IITK, destroys your credibility as a responsible business. It is not professionalism but rather sloppiness or worse – a willful misrepresentation.


We would also like to inform you that the new working conditions are significantly worse under the Sarovar management so far.  A survey was done by some community members in the first10 days after Sarovar officially took over and following operational and working conditions were reported:

1.      Because of a lack of adequate number of personnel, workers are being asked to stay very long hours (sometimes 16 hours and even without lunch break) and then asked to report back to work early next morning.

2.      To replace all the laid off workers, many untrained teenage workers have been hired from faraway places. These workers do not have the skills to be professional as promised. In addition, it seems that some new workers have been assigned above their skill levels without adequate training and some of the original workers have been arbitrarily assigned work well below their skill levels. Could it be an astute attempt to reduce their wages?

3.      There was a definite deterioration in quality of food and other services immediately after Sarovar started its services. It is ironic that the improvement was made possible only after the introduction of much experienced previous workers who had been laid off by Sarovar on the pretext of being unprofessional! Now one can only imagine about further improvements and smoothing of operations had all laid off workers been retained at the same premise.

The administration of our alma-mater, IIT Kanpur, has told us that Sarovar has promised highly professional workers in lieu of old workers. In view of the above reported observations, can it really be the case? Sarovar’s reputation will suffer further when many groups of the alumni, who are scheduled to visit the institute on several occasions this year, experience inferior poor service quality. Given the above, can any evidence be offered by Sarovar and Louvre groups to back their claim of professional work? We don’t think so.  We are sure that such mismanagement and unprofessionalism will not be taken lightly by the users, your shareholders and the customers of both your brands.

As a collective of concerned alumni of IITK, we strongly urge that:

1.      All old workers are unequivocally reinstated because they are experienced and can provide an excellent service. As in all situations, they should be allowed some time to adjust to any requirements of the new management.

2.      If there is a complaint by a manager about a particular worker, there should be an evaluation as to why this worker after many years has suddenly become unfit for the job. In this case, there should be a workers’ representative present for such an evaluation.

3.      Working responsibilities and hours should be clearly defined and within the framework of Indian labour laws.

4.      Workers should get compensation above the minimum wage, and in keeping with their skill and experience levels.


We believe that this will be the right approach for various stakeholders including larger body ofSarovar Hotels & Hospitality Services’ users.


We are maintaining a complete documentation of alumni efforts and the information gathered on our website at http://iitkcf.appspot.com/


Sincerely yours,

On behalf of IITK alumni Citizens Forum



Director, IIT Kanpur

Chairman, Board of Governors, IIT Kanpur

IAC committee members: Prof Sandeep Verma, Prof YN Singh, Prof Javed Malik, Prof Gouthama

IIT Kanpur Citizens Forum

Management of Sarovar and Louvre groups