Appeal to First response dated 11th March 2013



April 03, 2013

Acting Registrar & 1st Appellate Authority (RTI Act)

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur


Email: *************

Sub: Appeal against the information provided by the CPIO, IITK in his Letter No. PIO/25-2013/IITK-115 dated March 11, 2013.

Dear Sir,

I requested for information related to David Thomas Report in item No. 1 of my letter No.RTI/IITK/0213 dated Feb 08, 2013. I find his reply on item 1 (a) A copy of the David ThomasReport and 1 (d) Total days spent by him on the Report making ….as evasive, incomplete and unsatisfactory on both the counts as they are explained below.

I. In 1(a) I asked for a copy of the Report as it was not ‘Reviewed” and “Accepted” or “as and when put up on the IITK web site”.

II. In 1(d) I asked for total days spent by David Thomas on this report making, meaning thereby his days of employment / engagement with IITK.

I appeal to you against the information provided by the CPIO, IITK and request you to please provide me with a copy of the David Thomas Report and period he was employed with IITK.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

VN Sharma