2017-08-31 Citizens' Forum letter to Board of Governors of IITK


Date: 31 August 2017 at 06:31

Subject: IITK alumni concern on VH issue


Chairman, Board of Governors, IIT Kanpur &

Chairman, Maruti Udyog Ltd.

220, Sector 15A

Noida - 201 301 (U.P.)

Dear Shri R. C. Bhargava,

We, the alumni of IITK, are writing to share with you some disturbing news from our alma mater.

IITK has awarded the contract for management of Visitors’ Hostel to a new contractor who in turn has decided to terminate the employment of a majority of current workers hoping to pay less than minimum wages to or planning to take bribes from migrant workers from Bihar & Jharkhand.

After many efforts by the contract workers, campus community and alumni, in last many years, the contractors have been respecting the statutory wage regulations and there has been relative peace in worker/employer relations. As the chairman of India’s one of the most reputed automobile manufacturers, you know how crucial these relations are for the betterment of any organization.

Every year a large number of alumni visit the campus, have the opportunity of staying at VH and interacting with these employees. They provide an exemplary service and many alumni & other visitors have attested to this fact on multiple occasions.

We, the alumni strongly believe and hope that you will agree that the workers are human beings providing for their families and have aspirations for their children just we have for ours. And they have been providing efficient and excellent services. The layoff of a large number of workers will uproot their lives and will have a devastating effect on these families.

This is an important issue and an extraordinary support has developed amongst the campus community to rectify this inhumane decision. In view of this, we were very disturbed to learn that a fellow alumnus, while on the campus was interrogated by security and refused entry into a public meeting. Is IIT coming down to this? Rather than aiming for the apex as is taught to the students, are we descending to the lowest common denominator? Should this institution not be a model for free expression and clear and constructive thought?

Human Rights and dignity of workers is important to the alumni. We have written not only to the Director but also to CEO’s of Sarovar & its parent company Groupe du Louvre. But we would rather that this issue be settled within IITK family as opposed to the head offices in Mumbai or France.

We, the alumni appeal to you and the Board of Governors to try to find a satisfactory and a positive solution for both parties.

With sincere regards

On behalf of Citizens Forum of IITK Alumni

PS: We maintain the updates on our website: http://iitkcf.appspot.com/dsogIR