Letter to director regarding ID cards.

From: Citizens' Forum, IITK

To: Director, IITK

CC: DORA, IITK; Convenor, FF; Prof. Harish Karnick; Deputy Registrar

Subject: ID cards

Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 19:42:00 +0000

Dear Prof. Manna,

We have learned that you have issued an office order regarding identification cards and ESI/EPF accountability. We the concerned alumni, who have been trying for some time to engage with the administration of our alma mater, would have preferred to hear of this office order from you or your office. Nevertheless, we are pleased that some steps have been taken in this regard and we commend your administration. However we do have some concerns:

(1)  We believe that the ID cards should be universal for all contract workers and should bear a serial number. This means that Institute should issue these blanks so that it can keep track of serial numbers, as to which have been assigned to each contractor. The purpose is to avoid fraudulent use of cards (thru duplicates etc.) or abuse. A universal card would also be easier for your security personnel. We understand this had also been suggested by MWMC in 2007. During our meeting with you last March, we had also pointed out, that to our knowledge, both E.I.L. & Larsen Tubro as principal employers do issue these ID cards with serial numbers to their contractors for their workers.

(2)  The ID cards should also be pocket size so that they can be carried easily and do not get damaged from folding and unfolding. Wearing the ID cards if found practicable after consulting the workers may also be an option.

(3)  Every ID card must absolutely bear a signature of the contractor or an authorized signatory to have any validity and to ensure unique identity for the contract worker.

(4)  The recent office order has not yet touched on the issue of a standard grievance redressal system. This in our opinion is vital for fairness and a harmonious relationship of workers with their specific employer. In our previous communication with you, we had suggested tripartite committees to deal with any grievances.

(5)  Even with the current office order what will be the remedy mechanism if the contractor fails to abide by the clauses of your Order. It is important because contractors in the past have often ignored or found a way around a Director’s Office order.

(6)  In our meeting we had also suggested the idea of establishing an online database for all the workers so that they can access wage slips or info related to ESI/EPF.

We believe that all this should be done for respect of human rights and dignity of workers. Ideally for avoiding many difficulties, it may be appropriate to seek worker's input in the decision making process in such matters. However since it is not happening at the moment, one has to work in this indirect way.

Once again, we commend you for positive steps you have taken and we hope that we can continue to work together to improve conditions for contract workers who are vital to daily functioning at our alma mater.

Sincerely yours,

Sushil Handa

On behalf of Citizens Forum of IITK alumni

c.c. Mr. C. P. Singh

Prof. Y singh

Prof. Prabhat Munshi

Prof. Harish Karnick