Final update on successful resolution of Telephone operator's case.

Dear Fellow Alumni,

We would like to share with you a good news of what a small group of alumni named Citizens’ Forum (CF) has been able to accomplish with the support from many of you about the situation of telephone exchange workers at our alma mater.

In April & July 2014, we wrote to you that wages of these skilled workers had been almost halved in December 2013 when Orange took over the new contract at IITK, from what these workers were getting for the same work in the prior contract with a different contractor. In fact, their wages in 2014 and in the first half of 2015 were less than what they were earning in November 2013!

Sustained campaigning for fairness and justice for these workers by Citizens’ Forum (“CF”) to IITK administration, Orange in India and in France, in which many of you participated, along with the workers own efforts and campus activists in their support all combined, finally yielded some positive results.

After many attempts by Orange to dismiss the issue and denials of any wrongdoing, they agreed to a telephone meeting with the representatives of Citizens’ Forum. We are pleased to report that this campaign has finally resulted in very positive results. Orange has agreed to restore the wages of all telephone workers to Nov 2013 level plus 10% per annum increase to account for inflation. In addition, they have paid all the lost wages since Dec 2013.

Last five years of activism by CF has led to many changes at IITK towards enforcement of labour laws including safety at workplace. The success with Orange is of course a significant one. We are grateful to all of you who have supported our efforts in letter writing or petition signing.

There are almost 2,500 contract workers on campus, not employed directly by IITK, but they nevertheless contribute significantly to the daily functioning of the Institute. They are important stakeholders and their work must be recognized as vital part of IITK. We believe that they should be treated with dignity and should be entitled to a ‘living’ wage so that they can provide for their families.

There are still many issues ahead and we would like to see our alma mater become a model, for rest of the country, where highly educated faculty, students and lesser trained but industrious workers live and thrive together with dignity and mutual respect.

Citizens’ Forum is committed to working towards this goal. We would be delighted if some more of you will get involved with us and bring some new skills to our core group.

Best regards,

On behalf of Citizens’ Forum of IITK Alumni