Call to join the silent rally in support of VH workers

(Editor's note: converted the .doc attachment to .pdf for simpler distribution; the attachment VH issue.pdf has more details).

From: IITK Forum for Critical Thinking.

Dear Friends,

As decided in the public meeting held on Tuesday, Aug. 22, there will be a SILENT MARCH tomorrow, Thursday, Aug. 24, from Valmiki Mandir compound to the VH. The purpose of the march is to build community support with regard to the VH issue. A resolution containing our specific demands will be shared with all those who join the march. A copy of that resolution is appended below.

The march will begin promptly at 5:30pm at Valmiki Mandir, reach MT section by 6pm, turn left at the ATM in front of Hall 2/3 by 6:30pm, and reach VH by 7pm.

Please join us for this march in support of the VH workers who have lost their jobs for no reason after providing us with exemplary service.

(on behalf of Hamara Manch)


1. Brief write-up about the issue is attached

2. Posters:

3. FB event link:


24th August, 2017


The Director,

IIT Kanpur

Resolution of the Community members on the termination of VH workers

We, the undersigned community members have come to know, that the VH services have been awarded to a new contractor and 72 workers (the entire current VH staff minus two) have been fired from their jobs. This is unacceptable as we know that our VH is run extremely well because of the exemplary services provided by these workers for several years, some even for decades. Further, the terms of the new contract are unlikely to ensure the legal rights of the workers employed – unlike the usual practice in our Institute there is no mention of manpower required –how many of each category, skills, shift routine, wages/salaries proposed, etc. This effectively means there is no way the Institute as the principal employer can monitor and ensure the legally required norms with respect to the workers. There is also the danger that new workers would be employed by dubious means, including the payment of bribes, and they would not get the legal minimum wages either.

We have a certain legacy in IIT Kanpur where as a community we have always come together to ensure the rights of all our members – students, staff, faculty and workers. We do not just want the best services, we want the best services in a manner that ensures dignity of those providing it. The new VH contract is completely against our shared principles of a corruption free and dignified work environment. Therefore we as a community demand:

1.    Immediate cancellation of the 2017 VH contract

2.    Formulation of a transparent and monitorable tendering process for all contracts.

3.    Retention of workers in case of a change of contract.  Any removal if required should be done through a transparent process.

We sincerely hope that you, as the head of the community, will take

immediate action on our demands.


Attachment: VH issue.pdf