Director's response on safety issue to an Alumnus who kindly shared it with it us

Webmaster's Note: This is in response to an Alumnus who raised the safety issue with the Director after Citizens' Forum Email. 

We thank the alumnus for sharing it with us. Some names removed for the web version.

From: Director, IITK.

Dated: 2013-10-07

Dear Dr ******,

    As I mentioned during our recent telephone conversation, I do agree that we must develop a comprehensive and robust safety measures on the construction site as per the law of the land.

    At the same time there is no point over-emphasizing the issue and ignoring more important agenda. This issue is personally very close to me as there was a fatal accident at the very beginning of my tenure as Director of this Institute.  I am told that there have been FIVE cases since 2007 involving death of workmen working on the constructions sites of the campus.  Although there have been five more cases but they are not related to contract workers working as daily labours hired by a contractor (possibly they were either a relative of the workmen or a sub-contractor). In any case, death of any sort by accident or negligence within IITK is not acceptable to me.

    However, I would like you to appreciate that since the occurrence of the last such incident on 21.11.2012, the Institute has taken following measures in order to ensure safety of workmen at construction site;

    While enumerating the above measures we are conscious that these measures are not exhaustive, hence we are open to any workable and pragmatic suggestion that would help the Institute overcome the possible loop holes, if any.  

    Hope, you will appreciate the above and apprise all the alumni of the progresses made by the Institute in this direction.  

Best regards,

Director, IITK.