Reign of Lawlessness: A Case Study from Hall 2  Mess

Reign of Lawlessness:

A Case Study from Hall 2 Mess

On 27th January, 2024, Jagdish Pal, a Hall 2 mess worker who had served the institute for 13 years, was fired from his job without being provided for any reason for his dismissal. With no due process, without even an explanation, a person’s livelihood has been snatched away with no concern

for how he and his family would survive in this situation.

In this Hamara Manch report, we highlight the systemic lack of due process in the functioning of hostel messes as exemplified by the case of Jagdish. The report focuses on the enormously stressful work conditions in the messes that are compounded by the arbitrary imposition of punishments, without any proportionality and without any procedure for grievance redressal. We conclude with a call to the community to come together to demand that hostels put in place clearly framed rules through proper

consultation with all concerned constituencies – workers, students, and contractors – and to ensure justice for Jagdish Pal as a first step to in this direction. Collectively we need to make sure that our messes function in a humane, safe, and dignified manner for all concerned.

Please read the entire report in the attached PDF.

Hamara Manch

March 2024

HM Report on Arbitrary Mess Worker Firing.pdf