2013-02-23 : Hamara Manch report on Open House on Worker's Issues

(Note: Edited to remove names. Related pages: Community Events ).

Dear Friends,

On Feb. 3, 2013, an Open House on the contract workers’ issue was organised by the IITK Faculty Forum, inviting all community members, including administration, faculty, students, staff, contract workers, and others concerned to participate in the discussion. Faculty Forum organised the open house in the wake of two fatal accidents on construction sites in Oct-Nov. 2012. This unprecedented event was attended by over 150 community members. The constituency conspicuous by its absence was the Institute administration which, despite individual invitations to most of the key relevant functionaries, did not put in an appearance. The Director was present apparently in his personal capacity, and though he addressed the gathering when invited to do so, he could not stay on for the open discussion that followed the presentations. The deputy registrar (legal) was also present but did not participate at all and his complete silence, even on legal matters being discussed indicated that he did not dispute the position of law presented by Dr Sinha. He too departed midway through the proceedings. . The proceedings constituted of four parts, which included a presentation on concerned laws by Dr. Mukul Sinha, an IITK alumnus who is now an eminent labour lawyer with the Gujarat High Court, a short presentation on the current contract workers’ situation on campus, and an address by the Director, followed by an open discussion amongst all those present. The event resulted in a resolution that called for specific measures to be implemented with full community participation to ensure a just and humane working atmosphere for contract workers on campus.

Hamara Manch’s Assessment of the Event:

The Open House clearly demonstrated the campus community’s concern regarding the contract workers’ issue on campus. As such, it was a significant exercise in building solidarity which, according to Hamara Manch, was its primary function. The event also acted as an important learning experience for many present, clarifying the kinds and extent of problems present, our collective responsibility for these problems, and the need to resolve them as a community. The resolution is an important proactive step in this direction since it not only reinforces the community’s commitment to collective action in this regard, but also suggests specific time-bound measures to take things forward. It is, therefore, imperative to take this resolution further in every way possible. To this end, we need to:

  • Circulate the text of the resolution as widely as possible, emphasising its importance as a collective community statement and the need to implement its measures.

  • Discuss the resolution and its practical implications for community participation within the different constituencies, especially students, faculty, and contract workers.

  • Most importantly, to begin with we take up the workers’ cause and their problems collectively wherever they directly touch our lives whether in departments, labs, hostels, etc. instead of only waiting for the formal designated authority to take action.

Further Necessary Steps:

It is imperative that we seize this moment and develop its potential to the fullest to ensure that the momentum is not lost. This requires not only additional commitment from our side (Hamara Manch as well as all its supporters), but also innovative thinking to chart out new ways of strengthening these alliances and getting the community involved in bringing about systemic changes from the ground up. Some of the activities which could be taken up include:

  • Monthly (periodical) meetings with workers and concerned faculty/students/staff/community members to update developments on the issue and discuss further courses of action.

  • Investigation of all pending unresolved cases with HM through community participation.

  • Volunteers for fact-finding investigations (regarding specific complaints as well as systemic issues), monitoring of various activities related to contract workers (including payment of dues, safety at workplace, identity cards and attendance, etc.), interfacing with other constituencies (including alumni, administration, etc.), and any other activities that emerge through our collective efforts.

A more detailed report on the Open House is attached with this email which includes details of the actual proceedings as well as the resolution that was finally passed by the house.

Attachment: HM note on Open House.pdf