2009-10-28 : Hamara Manch Update [IME Update, Finger loss case, Shri Baijnath]

(Note: some names removed. Related pages: IME Building case, Finger loss case, Electrocution of a Worker)

Hamara Manch Update (28/10/09)

  • The IME building migrant workers who were forced to leave the campus had come after meeting Prof S. (the current chair of MWMC)- they have been meeting him every week. All of them had come including the suckling six-month old and his mother. They had gone to enquire about the status of their complaints regarding back wages which they had filed over a month back. Prof S. asked them to go and meet Mr R. (Executive Engineer with IWD). The workers went to meet Mr R. who told them that their dues can only be paid after the contractor is awarded another contract!! They have reported this back to Prof S..

  • Shri Anil Singh who had lost his fingers had also come to the meeting. His stitches have come off and he has lost one phalanx each of his middle and ring finger of his left hand. He had gone to Mr G. (the IWD in charge) for compensation. But Mr G. dismissed him saying “that was your first day at work so how can we give you any more?” Also “the contract was for only Rs 16000/- so how can we give you any compensation?” Incidentally Mr Singh has been working in IIT for 5 years now with other contractors– he had joined this contractor on the day of the accident. Of course what Mr G. said is completely illogical and illegal – (if you have an accident the second you step on the road you still would receive compensation). And of course if there were any employees’ insurance scheme in place it would have taken care of it. According to law Mr Anil Singh is entitled to all medical expenses, wages for days he is unable to work, and if the situation continues for six months then a compensation (which in his case works out to approx. Rs 1.15 lakhs. We advised him to file an appeal to the Institute seeking his dues.

  • There is no further news of Mr Baijnath – the worker who had received electric shock. We got an unconfirmed news that he has also left the campus – most probably without getting any dues.