While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks

My friend and I perform each year at our Christmas Concert.  There isn't much written for two sopranos, so I wrote this new setting of an old text to fit our high ranges.  It's a lot of fun to sing! 

At the request of another choir director, I re-arranged this setting for SATB in time for Christmas 2012. I also added a piano reduction of the choral parts from measure 73 to the end to aid the accompanist during early rehearsals*.


Voicing: Two high voices or SATB

Accompaniment: Piano

Topics: Christmas

Text: Nahum Tate (1703)

Music: Rachel P. Mohlman

SATB      *Piano Reduction (SATB)     

Duet for high voices         


While shepherds watched their flocks by night,

All seated on the ground,

The angel of the Lord came down,

And glory shone around.

“Fear not!” said he, for mighty dread

Had seized their troubled minds.

“Glad tidings of great joy I bring

To you and all mankind."


“To you, in David’s town, this day

Is born of David’s line

A Savior, who is Christ the Lord,

And this shall be the sign:

“The heav'nly Babe you there shall find

To human view displayed,

All meanly wrapped in swathing bands,

And in a manger laid.”


Thus spake the seraph and forthwith

Appeared a shining throng

Of angels praising God, who thus

Addressed their joyful song:

“All glory be to God on high,

And to the Earth be peace;

Good will henceforth from Heav'n to men

Begin and never cease, never cease!
