Springtime Solicitude

The lion Marches in loudly

declaring his intention

to be noticed.


his presence is forceful,


and bold.

“I am here”

he declares.

His roar voracious,

whirling through the yet empty branches

causing turmoil and discord.

Disharmony and confusion


the wake of his wailing.

The howling increases.

Fierce winds

follow his cries.


biting strands of tempest

seek out

and slap away

memories of just yesterday’s

warmth and calm.

Where is the promised lamb?

In the winter of continued discontent,

will he yet disappoint

with his disappearance?

Amidst the swirling rampage

a glimmer of hope arises,

a reassurance that

as time Marches on,

the lion will leave,

so we can welcome the Lamb.

Anna M. Molgard

©2014 Faithsong Publications, LLC


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