Fear Not

This song was written for the 2015 Kennewick Stake Relief Society Conference. As I pondered and prayed to know what message I needed to share with the sisters at the conference, words of scripture came into my mind, "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not." (Doctrine and Covenants 6:36.) Soon a chorus was formed in my mind. I let the ideas mull in my head for a day or two, but verses did not come. Finally, I followed a prompting to call Anna and ask her if she would listen to what I had and see if inspiration would come to her for the verses. I needed the song within a few days, so I remember thinking, "If this is what the sisters need, then it will come." By that afternoon, Anna had sent me a recording of her singing verses--words and music for the rest of the song. We were able to finish the song in time for the conference, and I knew it was a message from Heavenly Father to my sisters that they needed at that time. This message has found a place in my heart--Fear Not. When we follow Jesus Christ, remember Him, abide in Him, we have no need to fear.


Voicing: Vocal solo

Accompaniment: Piano

Topics: Atonement, Comfort, Faith, Forgiveness, Grace, Guidance, Healing, Hope, Jesus Christ, Love, Obedience, Plan of Salvation, Repentance, Revelation, Sacrifice, Savior, Spirituality, Steadfastness, Trials, Worship.

Lyrics and Music: Rachel P. Mohlman and Anna M. Molgard


My peace I give unto you,

Not the peace of the world.

Let your heart no longer trouble you

Neither let it be afraid.

Let ev'ry thought be gathered unto me.

Place the affections of thy heart.

Rest in the knowledge I will comfort Thee.

Let ev'ry fear depart.

Look unto me in ev'ry thought.

Doubt not; Fear not.

Look unto me in ev'ry thought.

Learn of me, draw near to me.

Abide in me. Fear not.

Trust in my plan for Thee.

Hope with all thy heart.

Leaning not unto thine own design,

Feel thine understanding part.

In ev'ry circumstance acknowledge me,

And I'll direct thy path.

Choose to see beyond the present hours

Unto all the Father hath.

Look unto me in ev'ry thought.

Doubt not; Fear not.

Look unto me in ev'ry thought.

Learn of me, draw near to me.

Abide in me. Fear not.

I have descended below all things.

I have suffered.

I have witnessed ev'ry pain

And overcome.

I have risen beyond the grave.

I can carry, I can save.

I am Living, I am Love.

Look unto me in ev'ry thought.

Doubt not; Fear not.

Look unto me in ev'ry thought.

Learn of me, draw near to me.

Abide in me. Fear not.

Fear not.

© 2015 Faithsong Publications, L.L.C.

This piece may be copied for noncommercial use.