Strength Sufficient for the Day
Daily manna, humble bread,
Must be gathered before bed.
Nourishment for soul and mind,
Evidence of mercy kind
Heavenly Father, grant I pray,
Strength sufficient for the day.
I don’t need to see or know
How tomorrow’s path will go,
Nor presume to understand
All the workings of Thy hand.
I just need to see in faith,
Strength sufficient for the day.
Seeking line upon the line,
Help to meet demands of time.
Tiny inklings of Thy grace
Help me visualize Thy face.
Tender mercies on the way,
Strength sufficient for the day.
Anna M. Molgard
©2014 Faithsong Publications, LLC
This piece may be copied for noncommercial use.
Elder D. Todd Christofferson
“Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread”
CES Fireside, Jan. 9 2011