Myrcon of the Way

Chaotic good

Myrcon is the aspect of traveling, luck, roads, taverns, and exploration. Myrcon travels the realm, exploring for the sake of exploring, seeing what there is to see, delighting in freedom, trade, and adventure. All those that call no place home, that have the wanderlust deep within their heart, and seek their fortune upon the road offer Myrcon worship. Halflings, merchants, and all types of adventurers are drawn to his worship, and many people raise a glass in his honor, viewing him as the god of luck. His teachings are simple:

  • Follow your goals and seek your own destiny.

  • Strike back against those who would rob you of your freedom and urge others to fight for their own liberty.

  • Luck favors the bold. Take your fate into your own hands, and Myrcon smiles upon you.

Suggested Domains: Forge, Knowledge, Trickery

Myrcon commands the domain of freedom not to protect the selfish feelings of individuals but to defend the sovereign right of all people to take control of their destinies. Myrcon takes the powerful force of chance, coincidence, fortune, randomness - whatever you call it - as a weapon against drab destiny and dark fatalism. For his followers, luck provides excitement and opportunity even in the face of terrible odds. Myrcon enjoys the winds of change and exhorts his faithful to follow where they blow. For him, change represents ever-renewing opportunities. Each moment is a chance to alter the course, either personally or on a grander scale, and to take things in a better direction than in the past.