Chapter XI

11:27And Saint Ulrich spent 90 days and 90 nights in Hell.

11:28And when he returned, he was free of the influence of the demon Yaltan, for he had at last seen the light.

11:29And he turned to his closest companion, Saint Aradil and spoke unto him, “Take this crown, this circlet of power, for I am no longer worthy.”

11:30And Saint Aradil was astonished and humbled and he tore at his hair, “What shall I do with this, if you, who are most holy and have returned from the dead and been blessed by Maal are not worthy?”

11:31And Saint Ulrich said, “Nay, I am not. I am lower than a worm, and can never have blessed pardon. You have been most true and loyal, and ever tried to speak the truth about the demon as it rode and twisted my soul.”

11:32And Saint Aradil was never tempted by the crown.

11:33He cried out and fell to his knees, “I cannot wear this crown, for it is made for a king, and that I am not!”

11:34And Saint Ulrich took pity on his beloved companion and was gladdened at the pureness of his heart, “Then take the crown and give it to the King of the Blessed Ones.”

11:35And Saint Aradil sought for the Blessed Ones, and he came to the court of King Maal.

11:36And he held the crown out to the king and fell to his knees weeping in joy at the glory of the Blessed Ones.

11:37And King Maal smiled and said unto him, “Arise my loyal man, and put on the crown. You shall wear it in this place, and be king of men.”

11:38And Saint Aradil refused.

11:39And King Maal smiled, “Then thou hast proven yourself worthy to be made whole,” and this the King did.

11:40And still Aradil offered the crown to the King, and Maal held up his hand.

11:41And Maal said unto him, “There is a man in this world who would wear this crown and be most blessed and at last vanquish the Three with its power.”

11:42And Saint Aradil cried out, “Who is this man that will do this deed?”

11:43And the King proclaimed, “He is unnamed, and unfound. You who are pure of heart and whole must give him his name, and place the crown upon his head. This I have foreseen.”

11:44And Saint Aradil took the crown and went out into the world.

11:45And he walked the land, looking into the heart of each man he met.

11:46And the son of the fiery woman, Hysor of the false deed, came to Saint Aradil.

11:47And he said, “Do not this thing! Give not the crown to a king of men!”

11:48For the Three were sorely afraid.

11:49And Saint Aradil smote Hysor with his stick, and Hysor fled from his wholeness.

11:50And Mielik, daughter of the stony man and cruel master of beasts, took the form of a dog and crept to Saint Aradil while he slept.

11:51And it was in her mind to steal the crown.

11:52And Saint Aradil awoke, astonished to see a dog, saw true to her heart.

11:53And he beat her with his shoe, and Mielik fled from his wholeness.

11:54And Vodethyn, son of the faceless one, of the false witness, knew that time was short.

11:55And he sent his servant Magnus to Saint Aradil.

11:56And Magnus said, “I know of a king who should bear this crown.”

11:57And Saint Aradil cried out, “Then show me that this task be done and the glory of the Blessed Ones be revealed!”

11:58And Magnus led Saint Aradil high, and he led him low.

11:59Across the land, and across the sea, he led him, always saying the king was just over there.

11:60At last, Saint Aradil realized the treachery.

11:61And they wrestled upon the earth, and Magnus was laid low.

11:62And Vodethyn came to defend his servant.

11:63And Saint Aradil took his belt and whipped Vodethyn, who fled from his wholeness.

11:64And Aradil at last came to the city of Briv, in the country of Deir es Mal.

11:65And he beheld the justice of the king, named Felipe.

11:66And he looked into the heart of the king and he was glad.

11:67And he placed the crystal crown upon his head and named him saint.

11:68And the angels of the Blessed Ones exalted in chorus.

11:69And the subjects of Briv looked on in wonder.

11:70And the Three trembled and wailed.

11:71And King Maal came to the city.

11:72And he blessed Saint Felipe, and made him whole.

11:73And King Maal said unto him, “Glory to the day the Emperor has been found. Let the Three be afraid, for now they shall fall and the truth be revealed.”