Ahn - The Child

Neutral good

Ahn is the aspect of hope, inspiration, and enlightenment. He is the keeper of the key to the multiverse which holds the Daemoi at bay. Ahn's guidance is sought when faced with a problem that appears to have no solution. When despair is a breath away, Ahn's light may bring new hope. His guidance is thus:

  • Never lose hope, salvation can be found even from the deepest pits of darkness.

  • Bring the shining light of hope to those in despair.

  • Seek out new ideas, new inventions, and apply them in new ways to solve problems.

Suggested Domains: Life, Light

Ahn is the agent of change, the light of hope, and the blossom of life. His followers rely on the ideals of life and hope that righteous action can prevent a drastic fall. Ahn places faith not in the external world, but in the spirit of the individual. He hopes that good people can come together to bring change to the world to make it a better place for all life. He is the advocate of life. If it originates in the world, and it breathes and draws sustenance, he champions its right to exist.