
Chaotic neutral

Vidyar is the aspect of storms, rain, lightning, and thunder. All forces of the weather fall under Vidyar's dominion. Farmers and sailors often make offering to him. He is a mercurial aspect, unbridled and wild, who summons storms over land and sea; those who hope for better weather appease him with prayers and spirited toasts. He gives few commands:

  • Be strong, but do not use your strength for wanton destruction.

  • Appease the storm or feel its wrath.

  • Be wary and ready, for one never knows where lightning may strike.

Suggested Domains: Tempest

Slashing rain, roaring winds, brooding clouds, punishing hail - these are moods of Vidyar. People hear his laughter in thunder and fear the lightning of his fierce smile. Farmers who hope for gentle rain beg Vidyar to vent his fury elsewhere. They engage in contests of strength and raise toasts in Vidyar's name to let him know they have neither forgotten his power nor taken his clemency for granted. His followers are often violent and short-tempered, more often acting rather than reflecting. Storms are often precursors of great change, and Vidyar takes that domain as symbolic of what can be found in the aftermath of the storm.