
Lawful evil

Nychs is the aspect of darkness, secrets, poison, assassins, and dark magic. She holds all secrets whispered in the night. She is the antithesis of light and seeks to swallow it all in eternal night. She urges her followers to:

  • Hide under the cloak of night, that your deeds might be kept in secret.

  • Extinguish the light, especially in the form of worship of Hymdel.

  • Delight in poison, and offer murder as sacrifice in Nych's name.

Suggested Domains: Death, Grave, Knowledge, Trickery, Twilight

Nychs commands her followers to use darkness as a means to mask your movements and actions from all. Secrets are her purview, and she delights in the darkness of ignorance and fear as well as the death of the light. Nych's worshipers know they can stave off their patron's wrath by killing in darkness and by driving others to turn toward evil. Nych's words are venom, and her teachings poison minds wherever her priest's hisses can be heard. Her followers value all kinds of poison: the toxins that debilitate or kill the body as well as the venomous ideas that ruin the mind and sap the spirit. Her followers that use magic hoard their secrets to power in the dark and use it to exert dominance.