Modil the Dustbringer

Chaotic evil

Modil is the aspect of chaos and destruction. He actively seeks to bring the world and all things to an end on all levels: physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Wherever there is general confusion, disintegration, and entropy, his touch can be found. He gives simple orders to his followers:

  • The world will end someday; work to hasten that time.

  • Find ways to bring an end to civilized life and what is built.

  • Do as you will, and let no one stop you.

Suggested Domains: Death, Grave, Tempest, War

Modil exhorts his followers to senseless carnage, burning, and the defilement of lands. His raging hordes scour the world, bringing cities down and dragging nations to their knees. Destruction is an end in itself, and the more violent the end, the better. He is a tyrant who delights in the sorrow that death sows, and he is mad, seeking the doom and dissolution of all things. His worshipers are given to creeping suspicion, maniacal rage, or bizarre fixations.