965/01/30 - Searching for Luke's Recorder

Hearing a cry for help down a darkened alley, six concerned visitors to the city answer the call. There, they find Luke Di Menici, a poor bard, beset upon by a gang of thugs. The rescue is not picture perfect, and the two elves who were among the rescuers cause a bit of consternation by magically affecting friend and foe alike. Despite their attempts, one of the gang escapes with a prize possession of Luke’s. Luke’s charm is enough to calm the friction that has arisen, and takes them all to his favorite inn for drinks and thanks. There, he offers to hire them all to attempt a rescue of his family heirloom that was taken: a masterwork recorder. Having nothing better to do during the festival, they agree.

Their investigations take them to many parts of the fine city, working against and with the pulsing crowds intent on celebrating and browsing the great many wares that are passing through at this time. Finally, they learn of the Purple Rose gang and their hideout in the ruined city of the town. Their trek in that area proves to be perilous as they encounter giant vermin and even undead. Still, their luck in finding the entrance to the hideout proves fruitless until Jenigh, the elf enchanter, is led to it by a black raven.

Within, the newly formed party deals with the purple rose gang easily, finding them in an old underground complex. The masterwork recorder is recovered, but they learn that Luke was a little bit down on his luck and was unable to pay them the rich reward he promised. Luke’s glib conversation promised that their ease of the previous job would surely earn them more riches that he could surely pay them with later if they only stayed together. There were three sections of the underground complex that were unexplored in their first attempt, having been unused by the gang. Two were sealed doors, and the third a blockaded passageway.

Returning to the complex, they found the first sealed door led to an old temple, and within they were surprised to discover pentagrams upon the floor and hideous artwork detailing obscene acts of demons and devils. There was some kind of demon trapped within as well, but it was dealt with. The second door led to a pool where a creature made of water nearly drew one of the party to a watery grave, but it too was dispatched. The last area proved to not be so easy. Unblocking the passageway, the heroes discovered old tombs. Unfortunately, the inhabitants had been aroused by some evil power and swept over the party, killing a great many of them including Luke and one of the elves. It was a victory, but at a great cost.

Knowing it to be the right thing to do, the party brings the bodies of the fallen to the authorities in the government building. They are whisked away to private interrogation when it is discovered that an elf has been killed within the city. There was great fear of an international incident with the Elven Nation, having one of their entourage killed within the host city. The fears were relaxed only a little when they learned that the elf in question was not part of the official party. However, in the course of the interrogation, Master Dyson, and Lord Natas himself came in to learn of the demonic temple and the undead.

Later, the party is introduced to Lady Pine Proser, assistant to Lord Natas. She has become somewhat of an expert of demons, and asks the party to bring her on a tour of the temple. They do so, and she takes a few notes and samples. They learn from her that this temple probably dates around the time of the demon war, and was probably devised as a sort of appeasement; though it is not certain. Taking her leave with promises of meeting again, the charming lady departs.

The party is left finishing explorations of the catacombs and discovers a crack in the floor leading to some older natural caverns. Widening the hole further, they are able to enter these areas. The caverns prove to contain channels for sections of the two rivers that border Althofen, the Rivers Main and Dom. There is however, a goodly amount of air-filled caverns as well, but these are infested with more vermin that must be dispatched. Through these adventures, the party is beginning to notice that a growing number of these creatures are showing uniform signs, such as red glowing eyes. During their explorations, however, Jenigh falls to a strange strangling creature hiding in the ceiling.

They once again have to deal with the authorities, but this time chooses a different route. They visit the Temple of Hysor and describe their findings there. The Septicant priest, Franklin, assigns a priest, Farrel (a Bicant), to journey with them on the rest of this exploration and promises to deliver the body of Jenigh. On their return this time, worried about demonic presence, they deface the temple on their way back down. Further exploration proves even more interesting. Deeper into the catacombs, they face animated skeletons by some infernal source, but these they also dispatch. Beyond, they find a number of buried buildings of unknown construction. Made entirely from crystal, they find a way into a chamber where 3 or 4 of these buildings could be entered. The construction is entirely alien and suggests great age. It is not uninhabited, and they must fight an ancient undead being. Afterward, they find a stash with a magical amulet.

Declaring the exploration at an end, they return to the surface and learn that the festival is all but over. The Great Caravans have begun their journey, and a new Chancellor has been elected: King Butard, the Conjurer King of Hunsruck.. The official ambassadorial parties were selected and have already departed downriver. The winners of the tourney of champions were long, but one name stood out: the winner of the footed combat of arms is Felinor Lunchwicz. They visit the manor of Lord Natas and meet with Lady Pine, filling her in on the rest of their adventures underground.

Later, they returned to the site of their troubles, fearing that someone might stumble upon it and meet some tragic end. But they found that Lord Natas had purchased the land and a large contingent of guards surrounded the ruined building, cordoning it off. Beyond they could see workers of some kind, but not what exactly they were doing. Closing this chapter of their adventures, they begin discussing their next step. Farrel takes his leave of the party, his task completed.