
Neutral evil

Loghi is the aspect of mischief, trickery, shadow, and lies. Scheming and treachery are often the tools used by his followers, and his priests are a constant force of disruption in society. Those that actively throw wrenches in people's plans, play tricks and jokes on others, and generally disrupt and deceive others call this aspect lord. He demands that his followers:

  • Do whatever it takes to disrupt well-laid plans and ordered society.

  • Rely on stealth and slander in preference to outright confrontation.

  • Seek the death of worshipers of Hysor.

Suggested Domains: Trickery, War

Loghi rules the domain of strife. It stands for his avarice and the greed he foments in his followers. Chaos too is his ally. When others cannot stand together, they are more easily torn apart. He is a thorn in the world's flesh, using trickery and manipulation to gain and keep power. Why fight foes when you can manipulate them? He is also a shadowy patron of thieves and illusionists yet is a cruel deceiver whose lies poison the world. His followers use darkness as cover for their deceptions and attacks. No biting blade or cutting remark can be better delivered than from the shadows.