

Othmina is the aspect of fate, destiny, seers, prophecy, and oracles. She knows all that will happen to all things and people in the multiverse. Sages, seers, and manipulators of the arcane offer her worship in the hopes of uncovering hidden knowledge. Her teachings are:

  • Understand that all things have a destiny and a place in history-to-be.

  • You have the power to affect your fate, for weal or woe.

  • For some, fate has picked a path that is unavoidable. Punish those who attempt to thwart Othmina's will.

Suggested Domains: Death, Knowledge, Nature, Twilight

To many mortals, fate is inescapable. Their destinies are written before they're born, and throughout their lives, events conspire to lead them along their appointed path. A few mortals - particularly great heroes - sometimes overpower fate, but very few defy it indefinitely. Sooner or later all but the most extraordinary are caught up in Othmina's web. Othmina's devotees hope to understand their own fates and to help those who do not comprehend their destinies to perceive what it is they are meant to do, for good or ill. To Othmina, the symbol of the moon is a sign of change and the emblem of destiny, always there, always changing. To her followers, hope is an optimistic faith in the future and that destiny will bring the world to the place it is meant to be.