
Lawful neutral

Foersyn is the aspect of natural law. He is the progression of the seasons, the force that keeps water flowing downhill, and the law that holds the earth together. In his eye, all things have their proper and lawful place. He is the fierce enemy of aberrations and abominations that corrupt the natural world. His strictures are these:

  • All natural things have their place: strive for constancy and balance.

  • Fight all forms of corruption; from rot in the natural world to depravity in humanoids.

  • Hunt aberrant monsters and other abominations of nature.

Suggested Domains: Light, Nature, Order

The epitome of natural balance is the earth and the sea, thus Foersyn takes these as his domains. The tides of the sea constantly erode at the shores of the earth, yet at times the earth erupts with fiery violence to form new islands and continents. His followers seek to maintain the natural balance of the world, knowing that while one force may be ascendant now, it will surely be descendant later. There is justice to be found all around.