Dunay of the Mound


Dunay is the aspect of the earth, the forge, and creation. He is the patron of artisans, especially miners and smiths. He carved the mountains from primordial earth. Dwarves from all walks of life follow him. He demands these behaviors of his followers:

  • Meet adversity with stoicism and tenacity.

  • Always seek to improve your craft, whatever it might be.

  • Strive to make a mark on the world, a lasting legacy. To make something that lasts is the highest goal honored by Dunay, whether you are a smith working at a forge or a ruler building a dynasty.

Suggested Domains: Forge, Nature, Order

Dunay sees earth as the foundation of creation and a source of stability, wealth, and strength. He honors stone as the bones of the world and loves mountains as the domain's greatest symbols. He encourages his followers to bring works into being that will see generations of use. He was intimately involved in the hammering the raw creation of the world. Now that the work of original creation is done, his followers focus on the lasting works of hammer and forge, chisel and stone. Dunay emphasizes guardianship of home, family and clan, thus has the protection domain. When danger comes, the followers of Dunay draw back to stand on solid ground to make their stand.