Dianc (The Mother)

Neutral good

Dianc is the Mother, the aspect of spring, bounty, fertility, and agriculture. She is the aspect prayed to for healthy children, a good harvest, and family. Her shrines can be found in most households that contain large families, especially on farms. Her guidance is this:

  • Seek to marry and bring children into the world.

  • Protect the innocent from brutality.

  • Be watchful of the forces of Gaal and Modil, and those that would destroy life.

Suggested Domains: Life, Nature, Order

Dianc inspires the creation of life be it from the seed of a plant, to a foal in a pasture, to the birth of a new baby; thus her primary domain is creation. She loves all children and represents the unbreakable bond between parent and child, and thus love is her domain. As the aspect of spring and fertility, she is the light of growth and renewal, breaking the cold hard winter of death.

Dianc extends her light to all just as she hopes her followers extend their compassion to all. Her followers are warm down-to-earth people with simple needs yet are strong when it comes to protecting their home.