
A great festival was called to commemorate the 18th anniversary of the Coalition of Peace, the alliance of countries that was born of the wars of Myrddin and Deir es Mal. The city of Althofen, Krewald was chosen to host the celebration. It was not all to be celebration however; the Coalition had business to attend to. The 10 year old office of Chancellor of the Coalition was up for election, and the old Chancellor, Lord Griffith of Akryn would be stepping down. Additionally, new countries discovered beyond the Peron Mountains were to be officially recognized and ambassadorial parties were to be chosen and assembled for transport and official contact.

The timing for the celebration couldn’t be more fortuitous. It was the time for the Krewaldian Great Caravans to assemble and begin their journey throughout the realm. This combination of events couldn’t serve the Krewaldian merchants better, as crowds beyond their imagining converged upon the capital city, drawn from the corners of the known realm.

Althofen needed the boost in prestige this event would provide. Still reeling from its near destruction at the hand of an army of demons, great swaths of the city still lay in ruin even after 20 years. It was hoped that the added revenue would bring speculators who might buy the land and finally finish the rebuilding of the city. The added presence of Lord Natas, hero of the demon war, would certainly act to settle the minds and hearts of people who still feared yet for the return of the demons.

A great number of dignitaries were present at the festival. Such notables included almost all the leaders of the countries of the Coalition, which by this time numbered almost the known realm with only a few exceptions. As well, two of the Champions of the Coalition, Duke Ulrich Grimscht and High Priest Stormcloak added their security and advise to the councils deliberations. Despite the great security precautions taken, however, there would still be an element of crime found in the city, no doubt drawn to the riches that would change hands. It is this spark of crime that ignites the beginnings of new adventures…